Non-ordinary states of consciousness, Holotropic breathwork vs. psychedelics

Non-ordinary states of consciousness, also known as altered states or expanded states of consciousness, are states of awareness that differ from our everyday waking state of consciousness. In the worls of Holotropic Breathwork the term non-ordinary is preferred to altered and expanded, as it leaves less projection as to what the experience might be, as in fact, they can have a myriad of expressions, set in motion by so many possible factors. Today, most commonly, non-ordinary states of consciousness are know from stories of experiences after the intake of a substance, like e.g. LSD, Ayahuasca or Psilocybin, but for thousands of years, through many ancient cultures, non-ordinary states of consciousness have been achieved through practices such as; dance, breathwork, chanting, fasting and yes, also fungi, plants and plant derived substances. Other examples of non-ordinary states can be; getting drunk on alcohol, psychosis, through meditation or states induced by extreme physical activity.

We are often asked how a Holotropic Breathwork experience can be compared to a psychedelic experience, and as hard as it is to answer that question, as the experiences from each persons journeys in either respect are so unique, here are some factors to consider that might give some clarity.

With Holotropic Breathwork we use a technique of breathing where we encourage you to breathe a little bit faster, and a little bit deeper, accompanied by a pre-made set of evocative music to carry the journey. The (mind) set and (physical) setting play an important role to assure the breather feels safe and comfortable enough to let go and let themselves journey. The ego is still very present and there is no substance involved to help transcend this. This means that you at any time can stop the breathwork and come out of your session. The deep breathing and music helps you to connect to your inner world and brings you to a dream like state where you can encounter emotional, psychosomatic, biographical, transpersonal etc. material. E.g. some experience re-living a trauma and gaining greater perspective and resolution of the situation, some experience a full re-birth experience. It can be a loud and physically active experience, or a deep, quiet process. You can also have moments where you feel that you’re resurfacing from your journey and becoming more present in the here and now, you can then reconnect to your breath and bring yourself back in and on another journey. During a Holotropic Breathwork session you are always accompanied by a sitter, who’s responsibility is to make sure you have what you need, water, tissues etc., to guide you to the bathroom if need be and to call a facilitator should it be necessary. Certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitators are always present during sessions, and their responsibility is to make sure everybody is safe, provide containment if a process gets very physically active, and to be present for the breathers if they voice needs or e.g. pain. In cases where containment is needed or a participant has asked for attention, bodywork called Focused Tension Release might be applied, always in accordance to pre-set agreements made before every session starts.

Contrarily, with substance induced states, you cannot simply stop the journey. Once you’ve taken the substance you will have to stay with the experience for the duration of the substance’s effect in your system. To give some examples, LSD and psilocybin on average last 6-15 and 3-6 hrs, respectively. Usually these experiences are more internal with less outward expression vocally and physically. They can be more visual, internally giving strong colourful imagery and outwardly provoking hallucinations. At greater dosages complete ego dissolution can be experienced. Also here, experiences can differ greatly, ranging from a sense of awe, connection to all and the universe, re-living traumatic experiences or transpersonal experiences of meeting, or even being gods, demons or extra terrestrial beings. The greatest difference being that here you cannot chose to stop your journey at any time, you are at the mercy of the substance, the universe and your subconscious material for the length of the journey. A sitter/facilitator/guide, if applied (highly recommended), normally has less of an active role, functioning more like a passive anchor to the ordinary world and a guardian for safety.

It’s not an either or, or for and against, when it comes to Holotropic Breathwork vs. Psychedelics. Both worlds can provide great experiences for healing and growth. In either case it is important to consider the following.

  • Contraindications. Is it safe for you? Do you have any pre-existing conditions or any kind of medical history that needs to be considered or can be triggered by the experience? E.g. mental health disorders, a history of psychosis, or any physical injuries or conditions that needs to be considered like e.g. heart condition, broken bones, osteoporosis or glaucoma. (Please be aware; this is not an exhaustive list of contraindications, before each breathwork we screen all participants and have intake calls to go through possible concerns.)

  • Set; considering your mindset, intentions and expectations for the experience is important: Is this a good time for you to work with non-ordinary states? Do you have the space in your schedule to set aside time for integration? Often times, after journeys in non-ordinary states, material might surface that needs further attention and inquiry. Do you have a support system to lean on should you encounter a difficult process and difficulties in integration? Can you invest your time and possibly money to put conditions in place to really honour your inner work?

  • Setting, does this feel like a safe and supportive setting for you to open up to a non-ordinary state of consciousness? Are the conditions in place to ensure you will be comfortable and have what you need for the journey. E.g. emotional support and physical conditions like sufficient heating/cooling, a safe undisturbed space, hydration, toilets.

Holotropic Breathwork and psychedelics can work as great friends an allys. The framework of Holotropic Breathwork, especially when it comes to the neutral space holding and power given to each persons own experience and insights, without projected analysis and interpretation, also works great when working with psychedelics. Holotropic Breathwork is also a helpful tool for preparation for psychedelic work; you can become familiar with navigating inner journeys and process before heading on a journey with no, so to say, “stop button”. And last but not least, the importance that Holotropic Breathwork presses of integration is all encompassing when doing inner work. Being aware of and practiced at this is key for implementing any kind of journey, insights and inner work.


Holotropic Breathwork, - shortly, what is it?