Welcome to Holotropic Breathwork Skandinavia

We’re passionate about the potential of every persons ability to heal and grow, through establishing and honouring the connection with their own inner healing wisdom.

We provide safe spaces for healing and growth, where the power, responsibility and credit comes from and belongs to the participant who shows up to do their work.

Safety, ethical practice, grounded preparation and the importance of integration are key components of our work.

We’re space holders, fellow travellers and facilitators of opportunities to dive deep. Creating settings where you can let go and trust the process to do your deepest work, and then return back into a safe space for landing and integration.

Who are we?

Holotropic Breathwork Skandinavia Logo

Meet the team

Holotropic Breathwork Skandinavia was established in 2018 and is based out of Stavanger, Norway with core team members Maravillas Sola and Guro Ellingsen. Both Mara and Guro work internationally with other teams, and when needed colleagues from the international family of Holotropic Breathwork facilitators make guest appearances at workshops in Norway.

  • Mara is the founder of Holotropic Breathwork Skandinavia. Originally from Spain, Mara has been living and working in Norway since 2012. She discovered Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology in 2015. Since then she has been interested in expanded states of consciousness, which have been a big part of her inner healing and understanding of her psyche.

    In 2018, Mara completed the Grof Transpersonal Training. She has trained and participated in HB workshops in many countries in Europe. Mara is a globetrotter by heart and a visual artist in her everyday life. She perceives her growing transformation as the result of a long term commitment and dedicated time to self-cultivation in the quest of being.

    Mara also offers 1:1 HB sessions and personal consultations.

  • Guro Ellingsen

    A returned Stavanger local, experienced traveler in the world as most know it, and an experienced traveler within the holotropic realms and other non-ordinary states of consciousness. Guro has had a lifelong interest in holistic ways of life and has a seemingly unquenchable curiosity when it comes to mind-body practices and psycho-spirituality. Before mentioned interests has led her on journeys around the world and introduced her to practices like, amongst others; yoga, meditation, and holotropic breathwork, that has become an important part of her life. Guro happened upon breathwork by chance, or perhaps fate rather, and has since her very first meeting with the mat (where the breathwork takes place) felt its transformative and healing effect. This led her to the passionate choice of undertaking the training to become a facilitator, wanting to pass on the experience of Holotropic Breathwork® to others who might benefit from it. Guro is a certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator, and is passionate about providing safe containers and support for healing and growth through non-ordinary states of consciousness.