Holotropic Breathwork, - shortly, what is it?

Holotropic Breathwork is a breathwork modality aimed at bringing participants healing, self-exploration and personal growth through entering into a non-ordinary state of consciousness. It was developed by Stan and Christina Grof as a means to continue their healing work with clients through non-ordinary states when their current work with psychedelic therapy became illegal in the 1970’s.

The word 'holotropic' comes from the Greek words 'holos', meaning whole, ' and 'trepein,' which means 'to move in the direction of something,'”. Coming together with the meaning ‘moving towards wholeness’.

Holotropic breathwork is made up of three parts, preparation for session, experiencing the session and lastly integration of session. Each part considered equally important. A Holotropic Breathwork session is always facilitated by an experienced team of certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitators.

Most often Holotropic Breathwork takes place in a group setting, but it can also be offered as individual sessions, in either regard it is always facilitated by certified facilitators. In group settings participants are paired up to accompany each other as sitters, taking turns as breathers and sitters. Hence a workshop always consist of a minimum of two breathwork sessions.

A Holotropic Breathwork session is normally 2,5 to 3hrs long, the participating breathers enter into a non-ordinary state of consciousness by the use of breath, breathing at a faster and deeper rate than ordinary breathing, while listening to an evocative music set especially designed to accompany a Holotropic Breathwork journey. The breather lays on a soft mattress, accompanied by their sitter, and is attended by diligent and attentive, but non-invasive facilitation. Facilitators are trained to let the participants’ Inner Healer lead the way and focus on safe containment, doing-non-doing and are available if participants ask for support or bodywork. Due to the safe container set and the duration of the sessions, a holotropic session allows for deep process and can lead to a very active process in which case strong containment and focused tension release facilitation might take place. What a session might look like, what facilitation might happen and how to navigate in these events is always part of the preparation that takes place at the beginning of the workshop.

A Holotropic breathwork workshop always consists of these key components; screening, preparation, safe supportive community, breathwork sessions, art and mandala work as tool for integration, integration talk and sharing circles.

Holotropic Breathwork Facilitators have all gone through an extensive and professional training to become certified in all aspects of Holotropic Breathwork. A certified facilitator is committed to keeping their training up to date yearly and is followed up by Grof Transpersonal Training staff. You can read more about the Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator training here.


The Inner Healer


Non-ordinary states of consciousness, Holotropic breathwork vs. psychedelics